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My Journey to Motherhood:  

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About Me

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God has led me to be a single, adoptive/foster mom. My daughter was 16 when I met her. We finalized the adoption two months before her 18th birthday. She is my first child. 

I know my start in motherhood is not typical, and that is O.K. The truth is, I chose a teenager from the beginning of my adoption journey. Family is family, no matter how they come together. 

                 This is my family's story. 

It has not always been the easiest of journeys to say the least, but having this girl in my life has brought me so much joy, and I am blessed beyond measure when God chose me to be her  forever mom. God knew what he was doing when he put us together as Mother and Daughter. 

In my blog posts, I refer to my daughter as my heart baby. This child came to me after much longing and yearning for a child to call my own. She may not have been born in my belly, but she was definitely born in my heart. 

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In the Works: 

"Congrats! It's a Teen! One Mom's Journey of Adopting a Teenager

This is my story of adopting my precious heart baby. It provides details on what it is like to be a single mother to a teenager from foster care. The real, raw emotions of a mom are discussed. Come explore an adoption in process through the eyes of the mom. 


Through this process, I have discovered that jewelry geared to a teenage adoption is hard to find, so I am creating my own! It will work to showcase the love and unique bond a mother can have with their older child, no matter when that child came into their life. 

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